Graduate Student Advisory Committee

In 2007 the Department of Psychological Sciences instituted a Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC) as a venue for graduate students to develop ideas and provide feedback about the graduate programs.

The committee consists of a student representative from each of the Department’s Ph.D. programs, the Graduate Program Coordinator, and the Associate Department Head for Graduate Studies.

Representatives serve staggered two-year terms with three divisions selecting new representatives in alternating years. Students in their second year and beyond are eligible to serve as representatives.

Current GSAC Representatives

Behavioral Neuroscience

Gayle Edelstein
Term: 2025-2027

Clinical Psychology

Belle Hettie
Term: 2023-2025

Developmental Psychology

Martina Villa
Term: 2022-2025

Industrial and Organizational

Amanda Hiner
Term: 2024-2026

PAC - Language and Cognition

Wesley Leong
Term: 2024-2025

PAC - Ecological

Lucia Rivas
Term: 2024-2026

Social Psychology

Skyler Carter
Term: 2024-2026

Recent Activities and Accomplishments

  • Successfully lobbied to have instructor of record positions raised from 10-hour TA to 15-hour TA
  • Successfully lobbied for increase in departmental Graduate Student Travel Funding
  • Clarified process for IOR mentoring
  • Requested clarification of proctoring responsibilities/authority resulting in new departmental Proctoring Policy
  • Registered GSAC as a university organization to secure additional funding for GSAC activities

Other Activities

  • Meet with the Department Head to discuss issues and concerns
  • Coordinate invitation of speakers for Departmental Colloquium (please see your division rep if you have ideas for speakers)
  • Serve as a resource to new students to answer questions and provide information regarding life at UConn in general and in their programs
  • Coordinate interdivisional social activities