Internal Resources
Policies and Procedures
Department Policies and Documents
Psychological Sciences PTR Guidelines & Procedures, Rev April 2020
Psychological Sciences SET+ Policy
Merit Policy 2023-2024 approved 9-28-2022 faculty meeting
Merit Scoring Procedures, rev Oct 2020
Psychological Sciences Workload policy approved 4-22-2020
Psychological Sciences Annual AAUP Faculty Performance Review Policy
Annual Meetings and Reports
2022 meeting report and agenda forthcoming
CLAS and University Policies
Building and Room Access
The UConn Department of Psychological Sciences is actively concerned for the safety of all faculty, staff, and students. Safety is best achieved when members of the department community work together to promote a safe environment. The following provides guidelines for access to psychological sciences buildings (Bousfield, Arjona, and Whetten).
Room and Equipment Reservations
Bousfield Psychology Building
Many rooms and equipment within Bousfield may be reserved by faculty, staff, and graduate students via the Psyweb Online Reservation System. You may view the scheduled classes in the Whetten Labs using the Psyweb portal. Note that you must be connected to the campus network or using a VPN to access this system.
Bousfield rooms A105 and A106 are overseen by the Office of the Registrar. To reserve either of these rooms or any registrar-controlled space please email registrar email
View the availability of any registrar-controlled classroom space.
For additional assistance or questions regarding the reservations of rooms, please contact
Rooms, Schedulers, and Specifications
Scheduler | Classroom | Type | Technology | Cap |
Psychological Sciences | BOUS A101A | Seminar | Hi-Tech | 25 |
Registrar | BOUS A105 | Seminar | Hi-Tech | 25 |
Registrar | BOUS A106 | Lecture | Hi-Tech | 95 |
Psychological Sciences | BOUS 109 | Seminar | Tech-Ready | 25 |
Psychological Sciences | BOUS 135 | Seminar | Hi-Tech | 12 |
Psychological Sciences | BOUS 160 | Lecture | Hi-Tech | 30 |
Psychological Sciences | BOUS 161 | Seminar | Tech-Ready | 25 |
Psychological Sciences | BOUS 162 | Seminar | Hi-Tech | 25 |
Psychological Sciences | BOUS 254 | Seminar | Hi-Tech | 12 |
Psychological Sciences (IT) | WGC 300A | Computer Lab (Windows) | Hi-Tech | 24 |
Psychological Sciences (IT) | WGC 300B | Computer Lab (Mac) | Hi-Tech | 24 |
Psychological Sciences (IT) | WGC 300C | Computer Lab (Mac) | Hi-Tech | 24 |
Psychological Sciences (IT) | WGC 300D | Computer Lab (Windows) | Hi-Tech | 24 |
University Classrooms
The Registrar’s Office controls the scheduling of many classrooms on campus, including BOUS A105 and A106. Refer to the UConn Classrooms website for more information about specific classrooms and capabilities.
Library Rooms
The library has many rooms that can be reserved through its internal reservation system. These rooms can be an attractive option in a pinch when the Bousfield rooms are booked. Refer to the Library Rooms Scheduling Site for more information. (Making a reservation does require an account, which can take 1-2 business days.)
Atrium and Mezzanine
Many of the departmental events are held within these two facilities in the Bousfield Psychology Building. However, faculty and graduate students are welcome to reserve these spaces for private events for either their division, research lab, or department. In order to so, you must fill out and submit the Atrium reservation request form or the Mezzanine reservation request form with details regarding the event at least three weeks prior to the event date. Once the front office approves the event, it will be posted on the psychological sciences department events calendar. Once posted on the calendar, it is official and the person who submitted the event will receive confirmation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the front office at
Building Access Request for Keycard Access
Students, faculty, and staff can request keycard access (HuskyOne Card) by submitting a request to Psych IT. Requestors will need to supply basic information, including which room(s) are needed, date range for access, UConn email, and HuskyOne Card information. Requests must be approved by the principal investigator.
Building Access Request for Physical Keys
Faculty, staff, and students can make requests for physical keys by emailing Requests must be approved by the department head or PI.
Request for replacement keys to individuals require the approval of the dean, director, or vice president. Certain special orders will require additional approvals.
All requests from students (graduate and undergraduate) and student employees are granted for up to a year. Keys are due back on May 15 or upon the student’s graduation, whichever occurs first. A request for an extension from the current due date will be accepted starting on May 1 of each year.
All key and access requests require adequate justification. Students may request their own keys; however, the requests must be approved by the designated departmental staff member.
The key holder is responsible for any fines associated with keys checked out to them. Fines should not be paid by the department or with university funds. The key holder may have the fine charged to their U-Bill, payroll deducted, or pay with check or cash.
Business and Administrative Services
Travel Funding and Procedures
Travel Funding and Procedures
Link: Traveling? Here's what you need to know.
Pre-Trip (Recommended timing: 4-6 weeks before travel)
Apply for Funding
Faculty: Apply for travel funds from the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and the American Association of University Professors (AAUP).
Students: Print and complete the appropriate form:
- Department Travel Application Form - Graduate students in their first five years of studies are eligible for up to $500 of travel funding per year, except for the year they receive Graduate School Conference Participation Award. This funding is restricted to first authors presenting UConn research material.
- Departmental Workshop Fellowship Application - This one-time award supports attendance at workshops on a related research topic.
Contact Information of Office Support Staff
If you are unsure of what information to use for this portion of your travel funding application, please use the following:
Psychological Sciences Front Office Staff
Phone #: (860) 486-3515
For more information about travel procedures in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, visit the CLAS Shared Services website.
Purchasing Requests
The Department of Psychological Sciences purchasing and payment procedures include the following:
- Please send all purchasing and personal service requests to
- Reimbursement for out-of-pocket purchases are strictly limited to emergency allowable goods and services for official University use for a limited amount. Please do not make a purchase out of pocket unless it is an emergency.
- Personal service requests (consultants, training professionals, contractors) need to be sent to at least 2-4 weeks before the service is due to ensure that we receive approval beforehand. For Personal Service Agreements (PSA) please allow at least a month processing time. Services should not be provided prior to approval as it would be considered an unauthorized purchase.
- Lecturers, speakers and certain professionals providing personal services can be paid after the fact on a one-time basis only if the total amount does not exceed $2,500 (including travel) per calendar year.
- Orders between $25,000 and $99,999.99 require three quotes from different vendors. If the items needed are unique to a specific vendor, a Sole Source Justification form can be filled out in place of three quotes. Uniform Guidance limits the use of sole sources to distinct justifications.
- Any orders over $100,000 require a formal bid process that is publicly advertised.
- The Department needs to follow the procurement requirements of State Statutes, the University’s existing policies and procedures about General- Fair and Open Competition and the OMB Circulars.
For more information about purchasing procedures for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, visit the CLAS Shared Services website.
Course Scheduling Information
Course Scheduling Procedures
UConn has recently moved to the CourseLeaf Scheduling Service (CLSS) for course scheduling. Departments have the ability to update courses independently without the need for the Registrar, barring some restrictions. To streamline this process within the department, we have implemented new deadlines to solicit requested courses for the academic year.
Course Scheduling for the 2024-2025 Academic Year
October 2nd: Program heads will receive a spreadsheet of all of the tentatively offered courses for the 2024-2025 academic year. Program heads will discuss with faculty any changes that need to be made and requests to add or remove courses from the schedule.
November 1st: Deadline for program heads to explicate their changes to the course schedulers (James Chrobak & the program coordinators).
- Note: After this deadline, any requests to the existing course schedule must be made through the Course Revision Request Form. This ensures no information gets lost through email or verbal communication.
For specific questions regarding course scheduling procedures, contact the program assistant for undergraduate or graduate studies.
Add/Revise Course Request Form
While there are certain Registrar deadlines and restrictions for course scheduling, the department will request changes as needed to an existing schedule. Please use the Add/Revise Course Request Form to request any changes subject but not limited to:
- Instructors
- Enrollment cap
- Date or time
- Room change
Please utilize the "Other Requests" field for any other necessary changes.