Internship Evaluation Student Evaluation PSYC 3880 Internship – Student Evaluation Form Name(Required) First Last Student Admin ID(Required)(e.g., 1234567)Email(Required) Term and Year(Required)(e.g., Fall 2021)Field Supervisor(Required) First Last Faculty Sponsor(Required) James Chrobak Other Psych Faculty If you listed Other Psych Faculty above, please list their nameBriefly describe the setting of your field placement and the activities in which you engaged.(Required)What are the three top skills you learned or will take away from this internship experience?(Required)Would you recommend this site location to other students?(Required)Feel free to leave any additional comments regarding your internship site.Reflection Upload(Required)Max. file size: 250 MB.Please upload your 1-2 page reflection. This document should be uploaded as a PDF or MS Word doc.Hours Log Upload(Required)Max. file size: 250 MB.Please upload your hours log, which should detail date, hours worked, total hours for that day, and total hours of the semester. This document should be uploaded as a PDF or MS Excel doc. Google docs can be saved as either.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Supervisor Evaluation PSYC 3880 Internship – Supervisor Evaluation Form Student You Are Supervising(Required) First Last Semester of Internship(Required)(e.g., Fall 2021 semester)Field Supervisor(Required) First Last Organization(Required)Title(Required)Email(Required) Briefly describe the setting and activities of this student’s placement.(Required)Did the student complete all necessary hours for this internship?(Required)YesNoUncertainWhat are the top three strengths of this student in terms of their work with you?(Required)What are the top three areas of improvement for this student?(Required)Would your organization host this student again?(Required)YesNoUncertainPlease feel free to list any additional comments that you have in regards to this student and their work with you.(Required)Would you be interested in hosting more UConn internship students? If yes, we will share a name and contact person for internships, as well as your website. Please list the name and contact person students can reach out to in regards to applying/being hired for this internship.(Required)CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.