Robert Henning
Associate Professor
Psychological Sciences
Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, 1986, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Interests
Dr. Henning specifically studies the idea of teamwork using the cybernetic theory which was developed by K.U smith. This is when social behavior is understood to be various modes of yoked motor sensory control. He is also integrally involved in a program of multi-disciplinary research that is focused on developing and field testing new ways of engaging workers in participatory health protection and health promotion efforts.
Selected Peer-reviewed Publications
Henning, R.A., Sauter, S.L., Salvendy, G., & Krieg, E.F., Jr. (1989). Microbreak length, performance, and stress in a data entry task. Ergonomics, 32 (7), 855-864.
Henning, R.A., Sauter, S.L., Lanphier, E.H., & Reddan, W.G. (1990). Behavioral effects of increased CO 2 load in divers. Undersea Biomedical Research , 17 (2), 109-120.
Henning, R.A., Sauter, S.L., & Krieg, E.F., Jr. (1992). Work rhythm & physiological rhythms in repetitive computer work: Effects of synchronization on well-being. International Journal on Human Computer Interaction , 4 (3), 233-243.
Smith, T.J., Henning, R.A., & Smith, K.U. (1994). Sources of performance variability. In:G. Salvendy & W. Karwowski (Eds.), Design of Work & Development of Personnel in Advanced Manufacturing . New York : Wiley, pp. 273-330.
Smith, T.J., Henning, R.A., & Smith, K.U. (1995). Performance of hybrid automated systems a social cybernetic analysis. International Journal of Human Factors in Manufacturing , 5(1), 29-51.
Henning, R.A., Kissel, G.V, & Maynard , D.C. (1994). Compensatory rest breaks for VDT operators. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 14, 243-249.
Henning, R.A. & Sauter, S.L. (1996). Work-physiological synchronization as a determinant of performance in repetitive computer work. Biological Psychology , 42, 269-286.
Henning, R.A. Callaghan, E.A., Ortega, A.M., Kissel, G.V., Guttman, J.I., & Braun, H.A. (1996). Continuous feedback to promote self-management of rest breaks during computer use. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 18, 71-82.
Henning, R.A., Jacques, P., Kissel, G.V., Sullivan, A.B., & Alteras-Webb, S.M. (1997). Frequent, short breaks from computer work: effects on productivity and well-being at two field sites. Ergonomics , 40 (1), 78-91.
Henning, R.A., Bopp, M.I., Tucker, K.M., Knoph, R.D., and Ahlgren, J. (1997). Team-Managed rest breaks during computer-supported cooperative work. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 20, 19-29.
Henning, R.A., Boucsein, W., and Gil, M.C. (2001). Social-physiological compliance as a determinant of team performance. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 40, 221-232.
Henning, R.A. (2003). Use of electronic performance monitoring to promote individual and team-managed rest breaks: a summary of laboratory research. In: D. Harris, V. Duffy, M. Smith and C. Stephanadis (Eds.), Human-Centred Computing: Cognitive and Ergonomic Aspects , Vol. 3, pp. 48-52.
Smith, T.J. & Henning, R.A. (2005). Cybernetics of augmented cognition as an alternative to information processing. Foundations of Augmented Cognition. Edited by D.D. Schmorrow. CRC Press: New York , Pp. 641-650.
Henning, R.A., Smith, T.J. & Korbelak, K. (2005). Social psychophysiological compliance as a gauge of the cognitive capacity of teams. Foundations of Augmented Cognition, Edited by D.D. Schmorrow. CRC Press: New York , Pp. 1228-1238.
Henning, R. & Korbelak, K. (2005). Social-psychophysiological compliance as a predictor of future team performance. Psychologia, 48, (2), 84-92.
Smith, T.J., & Henning, R.A. (2006) . Social cybernetics of augmented cognition A control systems analysis. Foundations of Augmented Cognition, 2nd. Edition. Editors: D.D. Schmorrow, K.M. Stanney, & L.M. Reeves. Strategic Analysis, Inc. and Augmented Cognition International (ACI) Society. Arlington , VA. Pp. 45-54.
Henning, R.A., Smith, T.J., & Armstead, A.G. (2007) . Use of communication delays to identify physiological indices for augmented team cognition. Foundations of Augmented Cognition, 4th. Edition. Editors: D.D. Schmorrow, D.M. Nicholson,
J.M. Drexler & L.M. Reeves. Strategic Analysis, Inc. and Augmented Cognition International (ACI) Society. Arlington , VA. Pp. 238-247.
Pearson. A. R., West. T. V., Dovidio, J. F., Powers, S. R., Buck, R., Henning, R. A. (2008). The Fragility of Intergroup Relations: Divergent effects of delayed audio-visual feedback in intergroup and intragroup interaction. Psychol Sci., 19(12):1272-9.
Henning, R.A., Armstead, A.G., & Ferris, J.K. (2009). Social psychophysiological compliance in a four-person research team. Applied Ergonomics, 40, 1004-1010 .
Henning, R.A., Warren , N.D. , Robertson, M., Faghri, P., Cherniack, M. (2009). Workplace health protection and promotion through participatory ergonomics: An integrated approach. Public Health Rep 2009; 124 S1:26-35.
Punnett, L., Cherniack, M. , Henning, R.A., Morse, T., Faghri, P. (2009). A conceptual framework for the integration of workplace health promotion. Public Health Reports; 124 S1:16-25.
Cherniack, M., Morse, T., Henning, R., Seidner, A., Punnett, L. (2010). Health promotion site selection blues: Barriers to participation and implementation. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 52(6):626-634.
Henning, R.A., Nobrega, S., Flum, M., Punnett, L., CPH-NEW Research Team (2011). Engaging workers in health promotion and health protection efforts: A participatory approach for innovation and sustainability at two worksites. In: P.A. Lapointe and J. Pelletier (Eds), Different Perspectives on Work Changes, Papers from the Second International Workshop on Work and Intervention Practices, Quebec, August 2008, Les Presses de lUniversité Laval, pp. 269-279.
Powers, S. R., Rauh, C., Buck, R., Henning, R., & West, T. V. (2011). The effect of video feedback delay on frustration and emotion communication accuracy. Computers in Human Behavior (IF: 1.677).
Cherniack, M., Henning, R.A., Merchant, J.A., Punnett, L., Sorensen, G.R., and Wagner, G. Statement on National WorkLife Priorities (2011). American Journal of Industrial Medicine 54:1020.
Matthews, R.A., Gallus, J.A., & Henning, R.A. (2011). Participatory ergonomics: Development of an employee assessment questionnaire. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 43(1), 360-369.
Honors and Awards
Post-Doctoral Training
- Post doctoral fellow, National Research Council and National Institute for Safety and Health (NIOSH) (1986-1989)
- Research Area: The effects of work pattern, social interaction, and brief rest pauses on performance and well-being during computer-mediated work.
Professional Certification
- Board-Certified Human Factors Professional (CHFP, effective 1994)
Professional Affiliations
- Member, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
- Secretary/Treasurer and President-elect, Psychophysiology in Ergonomics (a technical group of the International Ergonomics Association)
- Member, Society for Psychophysiological Research | |
Phone | 860.486.5918 |
Mailing Address | Unit 1020 |
Office Location | Bousfield 148 |
Campus | Storrs |
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