Kenneth Pérez
Assistant Professor in Residence
Psychological Sciences
Ph.D., 2020, Texas A&M University
B.A., 2015, University of Connecticut – Storrs
Research Interests
- Affective Science
- The emotion of awe
- Phenomenology
- Experiential elicitation
- On psychological well-being
- The emotion of awe
My broad aim as an affective scientist is to understand how emotions impact judgment and well-being. My research focuses on the emotion of awe, a feeling reported during events perceived as vast and beyond a person’s frame of reference. Ongoing interests are understanding the social and cultural variation of awe and its potential to inform efforts to address physical and mental health disparities.
- General Psychology I (PSYC 1100)
- General Psychology II (PSYC 1101)
- Social Psychology (PSYC 2700)
- The Study of Personality (PSYC 2301)
- Special Topics: Latinx Psychology (PSYC 3885)
Pérez, K.A., Lench, H.C., & Thompson, C.G., & North, S. (2023). Experimental Elicitations of Awe: A Meta-Analysis. Cognition & Emotion, 37(1), 18-33,
Lench, H. C., Levine, L. J., Perez, K., Carpenter, Z. K., Carlson, S. J., Bench, S. W., & Wan, Y. (2019). When and why people misestimate future feelings: Identifying strengths and weaknesses in affective forecasting. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 116(5), 724–742.
Lench, H. C., Levine, L. J., Perez, K. A., Carpenter, Z. K., Carlson, S. J., & Tibbett, T. (2019). Changes in subjective well-being following the U.S. Presidential election of 2016. Emotion, 19(1), 1–9.
Perez, K.A., & Lench, H.C. (2018). Benefits of awe in the workplace. In D. Lindebaum., D. Geddes, & P.J. Jordan (Eds.), Social functions of emotion and talking about emotion at work (pp. 46-67). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. | |
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