Janet Barnes-Farrell
Professor Emerita
Psychological Sciences
Director, Industrial Psychology Applications Center
B.S.(Psychology), M.S. (Industrial Psychology), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Ph.D. (Industrial/Organizational Psychology), Pennsylvania State University
Research Interests
Current Research Interests
- Aging & Work
- Boundaries and Balance between Work and Other Life Domains
Other Areas of Expertise
- Diversity and Fairness Issues in the Workplace
- Performance Appraisal
- Psychosocial Work Conditions
- Safety Climate
- Survey Measurement
- Work Schedules and Worker Well-being
Undergraduate Courses
- PSYC 2600: Industrial/Organizational Psychology
- PSYC 3600: Social-Organizational Psychology
- PSYC 3889: Undergraduate Research
Graduate Courses
- PSYC 5614: Personnel Psychology
- PSYC 5619: Advanced Seminar: Performance Appraisal
- PSYC 5670: Advanced Seminar: Work & Aging
- PSYC 5670: Advanced Seminare: Work-life Issues for a Diverse Workforce
Recent Publications
Laguerre, R. A., Barnes-Farrell, J. L., & Hughes, J. M. (in press). An examination of the predictive validity of subjective age and core self-evaluations on performance-related outcomes. Work, Aging, and Retirement.
Dugan, A., Laguerre, R., Barnes-Farrell, J., Cavallari, J., Garza, J., Graham, L., Petery, G., Warren, N., & Cherniack, M. (in press). Musculoskeletal health and perceived work ability in a manufacturing workforce. Occupational Health Science.
Fisher, G. G., Barnes-Farrell, J. L., Beckel, J. L., & Shultz, K. S. (2022). Using archival data to research age and work. In H. Zacher & C. W. Rudolph (Eds), Age and work: Advances in theory, methods and practice. The SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series, Routledge.
Zhu, X., Dalal, D., Nolan, K., & Barnes-Farrell, J. (2021). Understanding the role of organizational personality and social identity concerns on initial organizational attraction: A humanness perspective. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 124, 103518.
Burch, K. A., & Barnes-Farrell, J. L. (2019). When Work is Your Passenger: Work Influences on Commuting Safety Behaviors. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. DOI: 10.1037/ocp0000176
Min, H., Matthews, R.A., Wayne, J.H., Parsons, R., & Barnes-Farrell, J. (2019). Psychometric evaluation of work-family conflict measures using classic test and item response theories. Journal of Business and Psychology.
Dugan, A. G., Barnes-Farrell, J. L., Fortinsky, R. H., & Cherniack, M. G. (2019). Acquired and persistent eldercare demands: Impact on worker well-being. Journal of Applied Gerontology.
Namazi, S., Dugan, A., Fortinsky, R., Barnes-Farrell, J., Coman, E., El Ghaziri, M., & Cherniack, M. (2019). Examining a comprehensive model of work and family demands, work-family conflict, and depressive symptoms in a sample of correctional supervisors. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 61 (10), 818-828.
Griggs, T. L., Lance, C. E., Thrasher, G., Barnes-Farrell, J., & Baltes, B. (2019). Eldercare and the psychology of work behavior in the twenty-first century. In T. L. Griggs, C. E. Lance, G. Thrasher, B. Baltes, & J. Barnes-Farrell (Co-editors). Special issue on Eldercare, Journal of Business and Psychology. DOI:
Barnes-Farrell, J., Petery, G., Cleveland, J., & Matthews, R. (2018). Age(ing) and work attitudes In K. Shultz & G. Adams (Editors), Aging and work in the 21st century, 2nd Edition (pp. 146-170). Florence, KY: Taylor & Francis Group.
Burch, K. A., Dugan, A. G., & Barnes-Farrell, J. L. (2018). Understanding what eldercare means for employees and organizations: A review and recommendations for future research. Work, Aging & Retirement. Published online October 2018.
Dugan, A. G., & Barnes-Farrell, J. L. (2018). Working mothers’ second shift, personal resources, and self-care. Community, Work and Family. DOI: 10.1080/13668803.2018.1449732
Barnes-Farrell, J., & Petery, G. (2018). The moderating roles of employment status and gender on relationships between psychological age and health: A two-wave cross-lagged panel analysis of data from the Health and Retirement Survey. Work, Aging and Retirement, 4 (1), 79-95.
Dugan, A. G., & Barnes-Farrell, J. L. (2017). Time for self-care: Downtime recovery as a buffer of work and home/family time pressures. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, April 2017, 59 (4), e46-e56. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000000975
Iskra-Golec, I., Barnes-Farrell, J., & Bohle, P. (Eds). (2016). Social and family issues in shift work and non standard working hours. New York: Springer Publishing.
Barnes-Farrell, J. & Petery, G. Older worker issues. (2016). In S. Rogelberg, K. Schockley, & S. Tonidandel (Editors). The Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd edition (pp. 1041-1044). New York, CA: Routledge. DOI: 10.4135/9781483386874.n361
Dugan, A., G., Fortinsky, R. H., Barnes-Farrell, J. L., Kenny, A. M., Robison, J. T., Warren, N., & Cherniack, M. (2016). Associations of eldercare and competing demands with health and work outcomes among manufacturing workers. Community, Work and Family, 19 (5), 569-587.
Zhu, X., Barnes-Farrell, J., & Dalal, D. (2015). Stop apologizing for your samples, start embracing them. Commentary on R. Landers and T. Behrend focal article “An inconvenient truth: Arbitrary distinctions between organizational, Mechanical Turk, and other convenience samples,” Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Research and Practice, 8 (2), 228-232.
McGonagle, A., Fisher, G, Barnes-Farrell, J. & Grosch, J. (2015). Individual and Work Factors Related to Perceived Work Ability and Labor Force Outcomes, Journal of Applied Psychology, 100 (2), 376-398.
McGonagle, A., & Barnes-Farrell, J. (2014). Chronic illness in the workplace: Stigma, identity threat, and strain. Stress & Health, 30 (4), 310-321.
McGonagle, A., Barnes-Farrell, J., DiMilia, A., Fischer, M., Hobbs, B., Iskra-Golec, I., Kaliterna, L., & Smith, L. K. (2014). Demands, Resources, and Work Ability: A Cross-National Examination of Health Care Workers. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23 (6), 830-846.
Gallus, J. A., Matthews, R., Bunk, J., Barnes-Farrell, J. & Magley, V. (2014). An eye for an eye?: Exploring the relationship between workplace incivility experiences and perpetration. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 19 (2), 143-154.
Loeppke, R. R., Schill, A. L., Chosewood, L. C., Grosch, J. W., Allweiss, P., Burton, W. N., Barnes-Farrell, J. L., Goetzel, R. Z., Heinen, L., Hudson, T. W., Hymel, P., Merchant, J., Edington, D. W., Konicki, D. L., & Larson, P. (2013). Advancing workplace health protection and promotion for an aging workforce. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 55 (5), 500-506.
Bunk, J., Dugan, A., Reese, A., & Barnes-Farrell, J. (2012) Understanding work-to-family conflict among self-employed workers: A cognitive appraisal perspective. Journal of Entrepreneurship, 21 (2), 223-251.
Dugan, A., Matthews, R., & Barnes-Farrell, J. (2012). Understanding the roles of subjective and objective aspects of time in the work-family interface. Community, Work & Family, 15, 149-172.
Fisher, G. G., & Barnes-Farrell, J. L. (2012). Use of archival data in occupational health psychology research. In M. Wang, R. Sinclair, & L. Tetrick (co-editors), Research Methods in Occupational Health Psychology: State of the Art in Measurement, Design, and Data Analysis. London, UK: Routledge Press.
Matthews, R., Swody, C., & Barnes-Farrell, J. (2012). Work hours and work-family conflict: The double-edged sword of work and family domain involvement. Stress and Health, 28, 234-247. [First published online November 2011 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/smi.1431; print version pending.]
Matthews, R. A. & Barnes-Farrell, J. L. (2010). Development and initial evaluation of an enhanced measure of domain flexibility for the work and family domains. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology , 15 , 330-346.
Matthews, R., Barnes-Farrell, J., & Bulger, C. (2010). Advancing measurement of work and family domain boundary characteristics. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77, 447-460.
Matthews, R. A., Bulger, C. A., & Barnes-Farrell, J. L. (2010). Work social supports, role stressors, and work-family conflict: The moderating effect of age. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 76, 78-90.
Matthews, R. A., Kath, L. M., & Barnes-Farrell, J. L. (2010). A short, valid, predictive measure of work-family conflict: Item selection and scale validation. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 15 , 75-90.
Morrow, S. L., McGonagle, A. K., Dove-Steinkamp, M. L., Walker , C. T. Jr., Marmet, M., & Barnes-Farrell, J. (2010). Examining the differential impact of psychological safety climate perceptions on safety-related behaviors in the rail industry. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42, 1460-1467.
Roth, P., Buster, M., & Barnes-Farrell, J. (2010). Work sample exams and gender adverse impact potential: The influence of self-concept, social skills, and written skills . International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 18 (2), 117-130.
Walsh, B. M., Tuller, M. D., Barnes-Farrell, J. L., & Matthews, R. A. (2010). Investigating the moderating role of cultural practices on the effect of selection fairness perceptions . International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 18, 366-380.
Golden, T. D. , Barnes-Farrell, J. L., & Mascharka, P. B. (2009). Implications of virtual management for subordinate performance appraisals: A pair of simulation studies. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39 (7), 1589-1608.
Barnes-Farrell, J., Davie-Schrils, K., McGonagle, A., Walsh, B., Di Milia, L., Fischer, F., Hobbs, B., Kaliterna, L., & Tepas, D. (2008). What aspects of shiftwork influence off-shift well-being of healthcare workers? Applied Ergonomics, 39, 589-596.
Honors and Awards
- Fellow, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology
- Fellow, American Psychological Association
- Fellow, Association for Psychological Science
- Past-President, Society for Occupational Health Psychology

janet.barnes-farrell@uconn.edu | |
Phone | 860.486.5929 |
Mailing Address | Unit 1020 |
Office Location | Bousfield 105 |
Campus | Storrs |