Harvey Swadlow
Psychological Sciences
Research Interests
- Neurophysiology
- Sensory neocortical networks
- General Psychology I
- Physiological Psychology
- Introduction to the Neocortical Network
Stoelzel, C.R., Bereshpolova, Y., Alonso, J-M and Swadlow, H. A. Axonal conduction delays, brain state, and corticogeniculate communication. J. Neurosci., 2017, in press.
Alonso, J-M and Swadlow, H.A. Thalamocortical interactions for sensory processing. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 1-29, Oxford University Press, USA, April. 2017
Zhuang, J, Bereshpolova, Stoelzel, C.,Y., Huff, J., Hei, X., Alonso, J.-M., and Swadlow, H. A. Brain state effects on layer 4 of the awake visual cortex. J. Neurosci., 34: 3888-3900, 2014
Jin, J., Wang, Y, Swadlow, H. A. and Alonso, J.M., Population receptive fields of ON and OFF thalamic inputs to an orientation column in visual cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 14: 232-238, 2011.
Stoelzel, C.R., Bereshpolova, Y. and Swadlow, H. A. Stability of thalamocortical synaptic transmission across awake brain states. J. Neuroscience, 29: 6851-6859, 2009.
Cano, M., Bezdudnaya, T., Swadlow, H. A., and Alonso, J.-M. Brain state and contrast sensitivity in the awake visual thalamus. Nature Neuroscience, 10, 1240-1242, 2006
Bezdudnaya, T., Cano, M., Bereshpolova, Y, Stoelzel, C. R., Alonso, J.-M., and Swadlow, H. A. Thalamic burst mode and inattention in the awake LGNd. Neuron, 49: 421-432, 2006.
Swadlow, H. A. Fast-spike interneurons and feed-forward inhibition in sensory neocortex. Cerebral Cortex, 13: 25-32, 2003.
Swadlow, H. A., Gusev, A. G. and Bezdudnaya, T. Activation of a cortical column by a thalamocortical impulse. J. Neuroscience, 22: 7766-7773, 2002.
Swadlow, H. A. and Gusev, A. G. The impact of bursting thalamic impulses on a neocortical synapse. Nature Neuroscience., 4: 402-408, 2001.

harvey.swadlow@uconn.edu | |
Phone | 860.486.2252 |
Mailing Address | Unit 1020 |
Office Location | Bousfield 128 |
Campus | Storrs |