Permission Numbers
Read Prior to Proceeding with Permission Number Request Process
If you are requesting a permission number for a psychological sciences course being offered at the Storrs campus for any of the reasons listed below:
- Fill out correct form completely.
- Note that permission numbers are not guaranteed.
- The forms on this page are for courses at the Storrs campus only.
- Students should note the various dates and deadlines on the form to understand the timeline of their request.
If you have any questions, please contact the Psychological Sciences Undergraduate Advising Office.
Reasons for Requesting a Permission Number
Closed Class
Students can fill out the Permission Number Request Form if they are looking to add a specific Storrs PSYC course for a semester or session, but it does not have any open seats.
- Permission numbers are not guaranteed for a closed class.
- Students will likely be instructed to monitor Student Admin for an open seat in their desired course.
- This form replaces emailing the professor directly. Students do not have to contact the instructor.
Students can fill out the Permission Number Request Form if they are looking to add a specific Storrs PSYC course for a semester or session, but they do not meet the pre-requisites for the course.
- Permission numbers are not guaranteed for a class where a student does not meet the pre-requisites.
- Most PSYC courses cannot skip over pre-requisites.
- Permission numbers will not be granted for the following reasons:
- PSYC 1100 and PSYC 1101/1103 will not be overlooked for any 2000-level+ PSYC Course.
- STAT 1000Q/1100Q and/or ENGL 1007 will not be overlooked for PSYC 2100WQ.
- This form replaces emailing the professors directly. Students do not have to contact the instructor.
Area IV/Group 4 PSYC Labs
Psychological Sciences students who are declared on the BS Track or students with a declared neuroscience minor are required to complete one or more Area IV/Group 4 PSYC Labs. In order to enroll in one of these Area IV/Group 4 PSYC Labs, students MUST complete the Area IV/Group 4 PSYC Lab Permission Number Request Form.Â
Important Notes:
- If you are planning on declaring one of the majors or minors that requires an Area IV/Group 4 PSYC Lab, please keep in mind that it can take up to one week for the change of major/minor to be processed and reflected on your transcript.
- This information is not to request enrollment into corresponding lab sections for PSYC 1100, PSYC 1103, PSYC 2100WQ or Research Labs (i.e. 3889, 3899).
- This form does not reserve a spot in a lab prior to a student's enrollment time and permission numbers are not guaranteed.
- Area IV/Group 4 PSYC Labs are reserved primarily with BS Psychological Sciences Majors and/or Neuroscience Minors that are of junior status or higher. Priority is considered for graduating seniors.
For Fall 2025 enrollment:
The Area IV PSYC Lab Form will be available on Friday, February 21st.
The priority deadline for this form is Friday, March 14th.
(If students submit the form by the priority deadline, they can expect a response by their enrollment appointment day/time.)
Fall 2025 Area IV/Group 4 PSYC Lab Course Offerings
PSYC 3251, Section 001
Lab in Physiological Psych
Wednesday, 12:20pm-3:30pm
Modality: In-Person
Instructor: Salamone
PSYC 3253, Section 001
Sensory Neuroscience Lab
Monday, 2:30pm-5:30pm
Modality: In-Person
Instructor: Read
PSYC 3552, Section 001
Lab in Sensation & Perception
Tuesday/Thursday, 5pm-6:15pm
Modality: In-Person
Instructor: Frank
For questions, please email Chelsea Zabel.
Internship Credits (PSYC 3880)
Students must have already secured an internship and are looking to earn PSYC 3880 credit before filling out the PSYC 3880 Internship Credit Permission Number Request Form.
- Permission numbers for PSYC 3880 are not guaranteed.
- Students must have already secured an internship.
- Enrollment in PSYC 3880 is not automatic with the submission of this form. An advisor will go through materials and approve individual internship site. Upon approval, they will issue the student a permission number that should be promptly used.
- Permission numbers can only be used through the Add/Drop of each semester. If a student needs to add PSYC 3880 after Add/Drop, they should contact The Undergrad Psych office.
Visit our internship page for more information about how to find an internship, credits and grading, and how to enroll.
For questions, please email
Permission Number Request Forms
Expand the menus below to complete the appropriate form.
Permission Number Request Form
Area IV/Group 4 PSYC Lab Permission Number Request Form
PAUSE: Have you read the information under the Area IV/Group 4 PSYC Labs Tab above? Please read before proceeding with form. Psychological Sciences students who are declared on the BS Track and/or students with a declared Neuroscience Minor are required to complete one or more Area IV/Group 4 PSYC Labs. In order to enroll in one of these Area IV/Group 4 PSYC Labs, students MUST complete this Area IV/Group 4 PSYC Lab Permission Number Request Form. See above Area IV/Group 4 PSYC Labs tab for more information. For Fall 2025 enrollment, the priority deadline for this form is Friday, March 14th. Please Note: Seats in Area IV/Group 4 PSYC Labs are limited for the Fall 2025 Semester. There will be more Area IV/Group 4 PSYC Lab Availability for the Spring 2026 Semester. Please plan accordingly and meet with your Advisor if you have any questions about your degree completion and graduation timeline.
PSYC 3880 Internship Credit Permission Number Request Form
Students can use this form to request a permission number to enroll in PSYC 3880, Field Experience, after they have secured an internship.