Application Deadline: March 17, 2025
The State of Connecticut, Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) is currently seeking a qualified and experienced individual for the position of Behavioral Health Clinical Director.
Job duties include, but are not limited to:
- Oversight of Intermediate Care contract with community hospital: providing authorization of access to contracted hospital level of care treatment.
- Management: Intermediate bed approvals for admissions and contract with St. Vincent’s Hospital.
- Interstate compact coordinator for mental health.
- Responsible and provides support to State-wide DMHAS Medical Director in complex case conferences.
- Responsible for follow up and action steps with public and private providers.
- Responsible for request for proposals, review of proposals and manages the Discretionary funds for building new residential programs at Mental Health Intensive level of care, supporting needed and timely discharges out of psychiatric state hospitals.
- Responsible for oversight of new and existing contracts for Mental Health Intensive level of care beds in the community, provides utilization review of all contracted services including support services from discretionary funds.
- Provides clinical consultation to all providers receiving funding and /or allocation of these level(s) of care provisions.
- Support management of fluid use of these resources to assist with timely discharges from public and private hospitalizations.
- Covers and shares responsibilities for oversight of all state hospital admissions for Connecticut, working with 27 community acute care emergency departments and 5 state hospitals.
- Interface with high level Hospital Administrators of both private and public sector, coordination of prioritizing admissions throughout the state.
- Responds to all requests related to hospital admissions from the Commissioner and/or DMHAS state-wide Medical Director.
- Reports directly to DMHAS State-wide Medical Director.