Postdoc Positions at the Spoken Language Group

Application Deadline: 

There will be open slots available in the Spoken Language group at BCBL (Spain) for both PhD students and Postdocs in the next couple of years. The BCBL works on speech perception, spoken language, language learning and related topics, please forward this info to them. 

A few points of interest/FAQs: 

  • In the Spoken Language group, we use mainly behavioral, eye-tracking, and electrophysiological (EEG) paradigms, but all BCBLians also have access to state-of-the-art neuroimaging equipment (see here: 
  • There are several funding options depending on the candidate’s career stage/trajectory and different funding schemes have different timelines (it’s not like the US, where all programs follow similar timelines at least for grad applications). 
  • The language used at the center is English. Knowledge of Spanish is not required. 


If someone is potentially interested in this and would like to chat about research ideas and/or logistics, they can contact Effie Kapnoula directly at